Woodford House
Specialist Care for People Living with Complex Mental Health Needs.
Relatives Awareness Programme
It’s upsetting and stressful when you have to put a loved one into the care of a home like ours. There is so much that you don’t know, from diagnosis and understanding of mental health conditions; from how the disease progresses to how your loved one behaves and how we care for people with those issues. It’s only right that you did understand better.
To help you better understand we created the Relatives Awareness Programme in 2015 and run it every quarter.
This programme has been a great success and we have received very positive feedback.
Those who attend have found the programme not only improves their understanding of Dementia and the care that we provide but that it also provides a support group to discuss your concerns, how you feel when you leave your loved ones into our care.
To find out when the next Relative Awareness Programme is being held email us at homemanager@woodford-house.co.uk