Statement of Purpose


Woodford House has been established as a care home since the early 1990’s. It is situated in the heart of Trysull village in a prime location over looking the village green.

Village life encompasses a strong community spirit of which Woodford House plays its part involving itself with as many of the local events appropriate to the clients as possible.

Woodford house provides accommodation for 40 persons of mixed sex over the age of 50 years.

We hold registration for 40 clients with nursing, of whom we are able to care for those clients who have mental illness, dementia, physical disability, clients with palliative care needs as well as general nursing/residential care. We are also able to provide day care services seven days per week for a limited number of clients.

As a home we are contracted with South Staffordshire social services for respite care on an annual contract. We presently hold one residential mental health bed for this purpose.

Emergency admissions are accepted by the home. Emergency admissions will be accepted as long as an in-depth care plan can be sourced from the referrer. Full details of the clients needs are to be discussed with the home to identify care needs and ensure the home can accommodate those needs. The home is infamous for those clients requiring crisis intervention management in an emergency situation.

A faxed or emailed care plan will be accepted as long as verbal supporting evidence is given.

Woodford House support the dignity in care challenge. We respect our client’s privacy and dignity by supporting and maintaining their independence through personal care, socialisation and ensuring our staff are meeting the client’s needs. We promote client self esteem and motivate them to be actively involved in the homes activities and encourage community socialisation. Promoting independence is a high priority of the homes ethos.



The aim of Woodford house is to provide a home from home family environment for our clients, encouraging freedom of choice and individuality. All clients are treated with equality whilst denoting the diversity of clients’ personal and social needs.

  • To provide a high standard of personal / nursing care promoting independence
  • To maintain cognitive thought through activities & outings
  • To provide a happy friendly atmosphere
  • To encourage client and family involvement with home activities
  • To enjoy ‘living’ at Woodford House.

Mrs Juliet Briggs is the Director of Heart of England Properties Ltd trading as Woodford House.

Heart of England Properties Ltd.,

Registered office:-
Woodford House
The Green
South Staffordshire

Reg No: 33222727

Juliet Briggs is currently Director/ Registered Manager for Woodford House.

She has been in post since the beginning of January 2001; Julie is an RGN who holds a Bsc (Hons) Health Studies, Diploma in Management studies and the Registered Managers Award. Her background for the latter of her career has been in nurse management for adult nursing, although her Registered Nurse career began in 1987.


The Team

The care team is supported by:-

Administrator, Receptionist, Housekeeper, Domestics, Kitchen personnel, Laundry assistants, Training coordinator, Activities coordinator and the Maintenance. (see organisational structure).

Clients are encouraged to actively take part in both internal and external social activities, hobbies and leisure activities. Woodford House provides a full range of activities including board games, cards, bingo, craftwork, and parties relevant to specific occasions, theatrical performances, singers and movement to music. Daytrips are arranged to the Christmas markets, coastal resorts, the lights, the theatre, garden centres and other places of interest to the clients. In more recent years clients have been offered the opportunity to take an annual holiday supported by the care team.

Training is ongoing and is provided to all staff, a training plan is developed year on year to reflect the needs of the staff and the changing needs of the population as well as the focus of the business.

The clients and their families are invited to attend meetings at Woodford House with

the management to discuss issues regarding the home and its development. Everyone is given the opportunity to actively take part in meetings and add items for address to the agenda.

This does not substitute the one to one meetings/chats that can be held at anytime with the manager. The manager has an open door policy, making herself accessible to relatives/Clients/staff when required.

Arrangements have been made with the local church to undertake a Communion Service for clients of all denominations on a monthly basis to be held at Woodford House, clients are encouraged to visit other churches of their choice; this service is normally supported by the client’s family and friends.

Woodford House operate an open visiting policy encouraging family and friends to join their relatives for meals or drinks as required.

Clients are encouraged to take their families and friends either to their own rooms or into the dining room or gardens for visits facilitating privacy in a quiet area of the home. All members of staff maintain and respect the privacy and dignity of each individual by treating them holistically, using privacy curtains when necessary and encouraging the use of locks on doors especially in bathroom areas.

Each client has a service user’s plan, which is updated and reviewed with the client / family on a monthly basis usually at the same time as undertaking the monthly health check. Key workers are allocated to each client within the team nursing process of the home.